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Sharpes women get physical over man

Sharpes women get physical over man

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A love triangle, having become too heated, landed the two female participants in court. The male participant was also in court, but to provide support for only one.

On Tuesday, one Kelly-Ann DeGrads appeared before the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court as a defendant, having been charged with assault, occasioning actual bodily harm against Afia Richards, along with a charge of damage of property, namely one black dress, worth $160.

Both women are from Redemption Sharpes, and both women have children for one Alister Lyttle; DeGrads, a 10-year-old and a 12-year-old, and Richards, a five-month-old.

The court learnt that on August 8 of last year, a pregnant Richards went to her boyfriend’s house and the defendant came out of the house. According to Richards, the defendant then called her a ‘whore’ and pulled her dress, damaging it. They then apparently got into a fight, which saw a number of injuries being dealt to the complainant, who was struck in her stomach with an object while being pregnant.

The second incident happened as recently as November 17. Richards said she had been on her way home from church, and had to pass the defendant’s house. Richards was walking with her 10-year-old and five-year-old children, and apparently one of them informed her that the defendant was walking behind them. The defendant was then said to have pointed her hand in Richard’s face, which started a fight in which the back of the complainant’s head was hit.

Grant Connell, lawyer for the defendant, asked the court for leniency, saying DeGrads was remorseful. He also asked the court to note that the situation was a “she say, she say” type of situation. He stated that the man being the common denominator in the situation, the women still needed to come to some sort of agreement.

At this point, to the amusement of the court, Connell stated, “My friend has just suggested a time share,” referring to another defence lawyer sitting beside him.

Richards indicated that from the time she started having a relationship with Lyttle, DeGrads had bothered her. She also alleged that DeGrads damaged her house.

Senior magistrate Rickie Burnett then noted that the other woman’s children were older than hers, to which she responded that Lyttle and DeGrads were no longer together.

DeGrads, with apparent eagerness, started her speech saying, “Your honour, I no longer need him (referring to Lyttle).” She stated that Lyttle plays no role in her childrens’ lives and she has taken him to court before. She also said that she gets no peace from either Lyttle or Richards. She also claimed that she went to a funeral the day before coming to court and had tried to avoid them, but Lyttle had asked her for sex.

Lyttle then rose to make his contribution. Although he was asked which dock he would stand in, he stood somewhere in the middle of the two women and in neither dock.

Lyttle said that DeGrads was telling lies and that he did not ask her for sex and that they (he and DeGrads) had ended their relationship two years ago. Pointing towards Richards, he said, “This lady is my lady.” He said DeGrads had zeroed his bank account and that is why the relationship ended. DeGrads vehemently denied this.

Degrads was placed on a bond for one year in the sum of $1,500. The senior magistrate also ordered that she compensate Richards for the cost of the damaged dress.(KR)