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Two jailed for robbing man at Indian Bay

Two jailed for robbing man at Indian Bay

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The persistence of one man after he was relieved of his diving equipment at Indian Bay ensured that those who stole from him were brought to justice.

Derrick Huggins of England/Prospect was relieved of six diarrhea relief tablets, one suntan lotion, one first aid kit, a diving mask, a diving bag, a pair of scissors, one small air spray, a yellow wrist keeper, and one Suzuki vehicle key on February 19, while he was relaxing at Indian Bay.

Atibon Campbell and Deron ‘Precious’ Davy had first pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing the items, worth EC$525 and £300.

During trial, the complainant himself took the stand to testify. The court heard that on that day, which was the second time Huggins had been to Indian Bay on this visit to St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), a group of persons, comprising two boys and three girls, had passed him. On the beach, there were only about 15 persons, including himself and the group, he said, and so he was able to observe the faces of the individuals clearly. After the group had passed, a while later, Huggins said that he felt a pull from behind, as his bag was taken away from him, and when he turned, the two defendants were running away, Davy with the bag in his hand.

The two defendants had no lawyer, but were given a chance to ask the complainant questions, as is their right. However, Huggins answered all questions without hesitation and with certainty.

One of the girls who was with the defendants on that day also testified in court. The Chief Magistrate thanked her at the end of the trial for coming and speaking the truth.

The young woman said that the group was at the beach drinking Sunset strong rum, and that she was taking pictures with her phone. When the group left the beach, she said they went to the top of the hill and the girls were waiting for Davy and Campbell, who left saying that they were coming back. They then saw the two running up the hill, Davy in front and Campbell behind, now in possession of the bag. After searching the bag with another girl, Campbell threw it over a wall while the group was walking, the young woman said. Davy had left the group, but while the four were walking, a silver taxi stopped and the complainant was in it. The complainant jumped out and, while filming them, asked where his bag was and where the other defendant was. The taxi returned as they reached the area of Options Supermarket and the complainant again alighted, asking them questions and filming them.

Huggins’ bag was returned to him, and the contents within it, which were brought to court as evidence.

In the middle of their trial, Davy and Huggins changed their plea from ‘Not Guilty’ to ‘Guilty’ and sentencing was slated for this Wednesday.

Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias, on Wednesday, indicated that the case was a ‘very disturbing’ one, and that cases such as these cause a, “very serious and negative blow to our tourism.”

“Albeit that this individual, he is a Vincentian, he would have come here to enjoy what we have to offer…sun, sand,” she told Campbell and Davy.

She also made the point that it was because the complainant was vigilant that he had managed to retrieve his things.

“He was a very vigilant individual. While at the beach…he paid very close attention,” she stated. “If Mr Huggins had not been vigilant, and somewhat aggressive type to pursue you, get out and confront, and keep repeating requests for his possessions…on several occasions he did that.”

She also noted that when Campbell was first charged, “he denied all kind of contact or any kind of association with this offence…seeking to really lay sole blame on Deron Davy.”

This was in reference to the fact that Campbell had claimed intently, “I cooling myself. I working; me ain’t making no kind of trouble,” while saying his arrest was a spiteful thing.

“When the facts came out, it was just more distressing,” she told him.

All things considered, Browne-Matthias decided that Campbell and Davy would spend six months in prison, and ordered restitution be made to the complainant, adding “this never gives me any pleasure.”(KR)