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Bail review set for trio on conspiracy to murder charges

Bail review set for trio on  conspiracy to murder charges

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Reports are that investigations have closed in relation to the three accused charged with conspiracy to murder Collrise Pompey, and it remains to be seen whether the charges will be upgraded today.

Thus far, Dwayne Stephens, Mwata Henry and a 15-year-old have been charged with conspiring to commit the act of murder against Collrise ‘Quinn’ Pompey of Redemption Sharpes, between the dates February 28 and March 2.

Bail was set to be reviewed yesterday at the Serious Offences Court, but the prosecutor Adolphus Delplesche again objected to bail for the three and cited the reasons of interference with the course of investigations being done in relation to the case.

This time, he stated that he has been advised by the detectives that investigations have closed and that other charges will be brought against the accused.

However, Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias set a short timeline for the next bail review and indicated that bail would not be allowed to be reviewed ‘again and again’. Therefore, she placed today, Tuesday, as the next court date for the three.

Also being placed on the agenda for today was a matter raised by Henry, who claimed that the police had stopped his child on the street and questioned her in relation to the murder.

Collrise ‘Quinn’ Pompey was shot and killed at around 8:30 on the morning of March 2, while waiting for public transport near the Redemption Sharpes playing field.

An autopsy was carried out the following Monday, March 5, which determined that the bullet went through his left cheek and severed his spine at the base of his neck.