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Searchlight transformed landscape of media in SVG in last 20 years – Chair

Searchlight transformed landscape of media in SVG in last 20 years – Chair

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Anniversary message from the Chair of Interactive Media Limited

On April 7, 1995, the infant Searchlight newspaper made its first appearance on newspaper stands in St Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

Two decades later, the Searchlight has firmly stamped its character among publications as a newspaper of quality.

Along the way, we have surmounted numerous hurdles and slain some giants to emerge into young adulthood.

Relatively speaking and taken in its wider context, 20 years in the newspaper business is a short span; but at the local level, represents a long journey of solid achievement. The publication of our Midweek edition stands among our signposts.

We look back at our origins with a sense of gratitude, counting our blessings, while we stand poised to mark off the next milestone, projecting confidently towards the future, despite the rapid changes.

For, without a doubt, the media landscape has been transformed over those 20 years, propelled by the changing technology, which makes so many things possible than hitherto.

And, what is referred to in contemporary media jargon as legacy media, must transform, using the very technology and even metamorphose in some instances, to maintain relevanc,e with an eye to its financial health.

Searchlight newspaper has been pro-active on this front, being the first newspaper locally to launch a website. Our online publication has been available to subscribers since 2003; and we continue to integrate and interface with digital Internet technologies, as we line up with the company’s vision to “become a dominant multi-media entity through creative endeavours and innovative practices.”

We at Searchlight are grateful to have been afforded the opportunity to enable several young Vincentians to grow professionally. Many who gained employment as young school leavers are making a name for themselves in various fields at home and abroad.

Our members of staff are also supported and encouraged in similar vein. We have been discharging our obligations to the national purse, while providing employment to 17 full-time and three part-time staff. Numerous others, who loyally sell papers weekly, obtain a return to supplement other income.

We are grateful to all who continue to make this possible. Stalwarts have fallen during this journey. Among them

is the paper’s first editor, Mrs Norma Keizer, whose memory is being honoured in a special way during this anniversary period.

The Norma Keizer Scholarship Foundation, which is being registered as a distinct and separate entity from the rest of the business, will, from the next school year, offer its first scholarships to allow two students to go through secondary school. Keep reading Searchlight for additional details.

Those who gave birth to this publication are 20 years older. They and others drafted in along the way have grown in wisdom and possess the foresight to know that a new generation has to be nurtured to take the torch to destination 40 and beyond.

It’s an exciting time which we want to share with you; so take part fully in the anniversary activities.

To all readers of online and hard copy, advertisers, and sellers of Searchlight, we salute and thank you. Take a bow and let us celebrate together, as we look ahead to the silver anniversary.