KOVID-19 visiting dis weekend only
De KOVID-19 statistics in de USA as of today, Tuesday, April 7, is frightening and dey say it is very likely to get worse. A total of 398,000 confirmed cases, 21, 800 deaths and de US death figures foh today alone is ah record – 1, 760. De world’s death figure is 83, 568, fax and not fix-shun. Seriously though, de Virus continues to spread! Experts are anticipating KOVID-19 will be around in de US foh possibly another 18 months. We in these parts must revisit de ole adage: “When de US sneezes de whole Carry-Beyond ketch de Flu.”
We in SVG so far have been spared by de Almighty wid eight confirmed cases of de Virus, most if not all are imported. De big question is, are we, or Go-vern-ment following de simple recommendations coming from de Professionals on how best to deal with de Virus? De Principal Hell’t Advisor/CMO Dr. Simone Keizer-Beache said at ah Press Conference dat: “from ah Public Health Standpoint, one of our greatest tools is containment, so closing borders could be a way of containment.”
Another courageous professional, Dr Reisha Browne-Caesar, on her FaceBook page, posed a serious question with regards to her safety in carrying out her duties in a community. “Is there concrete evidence that there is absolutely NO community spread as yet?” We all know de answer, therefore de good Doctor is saying be safe and avoid being sorry. Stay put. Dr Reisha Browne-Caesar is de sister of Min of Hell’t Luke Browne, and wife of Saboto Caesar, the Minister of Agriculture.
Ole people say when de head bad, de whole body bad; Sir Vin-Sin had his own twist to dat saying: “When fish rotten, it start to stink from de head!” Ah still trying to find out what de PM meant in his Nah-shun-all Heroes’ Day address at Dorsetshire Hill on March 14th. He told de crowd dat later on dat day, he was going up to de Garifuna Festival above de Dry River, and he dare anyone to come, wearing gloves, to greet him. Lie-Za say, Massah felt no Virus dey!
Lie-Za does lie sometimes, she said dat ah team of Cuban Medics went to Jah-mek-her, and dey were quarantined for 14 days. But she noticed when de Medical Team from Cuba arrived in SVG, our PM went to receive dem at de Airport; de Cubans were all wearing Face Masks, how come de PM wore none. Ah tell yu Lie-Za say, Massah carry on like no Virus dey!
And dey was ah News Clip wid British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson ah month ago, boasting on TV how he had gone to a Hell’t Centre and shook hands wid several people being treated foh de Virus. Up to yes-today Boris Johnson was still in de ICU suffering from de Virus. Lie-Za again, Massah thought dat no Virus dey! Ley me repeat: dat KOVID-19 fears no one, neither Pauper, Prince nor Prime Minister.
Give Doctor Friday his Kudos; he has ah simple message played repeatedly on Radio and TV warning about de serious threat KOVID-19 poses to us. We must follow instructions dat de Hell’t Ministry recommends: “Facial cover, Hand High-gene, our hand is now ah weapon, de Virus is transmitted from de hands to de face e.g. eyes, nose or mouth, so wash yuh hands wid soap and water as often as yuh can. Respect physical distances and if yuh on quarantine stay indoors.
In my own sit-yuh-here-son ah following de rules: Sore-shell distancing, lock-down, ah washing hands and feet and is Mass ah know yo, ah wearing Mass.
Lie-Za say acting on ah tip-off, de Go-venom-mint was reliable informed dat this week-end, de KOVID-19 Virus will visit SVG foh Four Days, dat’s from Good Friday to Easter Monday, so SVG will be on Lock-Down foh de Easter Weekend. And wid dat is gone ah gone again.
One Love Bassy
Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.