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We should ah gone solar

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Dey say cock-roach should stay away from Fowl-cock party. But ah tek exception after reading in “I Witness News” ah statement dat de PM accused VINLEC of ‘behaving like’ an Empire.. as if dey are ah Go-venom-mint unto dem-selves.

Dey say cock-roach should stay away from Fowl-cock party. But ah tek exception after reading in “I Witness News” ah statement dat de PM accused VINLEC of ‘behaving like’ an Empire.. as if dey are ah Go-venom-mint unto dem-selves. Ah will challenge any VINLEC or CWSA consumer, who was wrongly or wrongfully disconnected, and went to come-plain to management, and did not get ah redress wid an apology and reconnected right away. Ah know de two CEOs foh both Companies, Thornley Myers and Garth Saunders, and dem guys doh go down dat dirty road. It seems as though VINLEC disconnected som wrong people who Love Box down Authority; maybe by mistake, maybe not. De problem is some people got de right phone number and could call de PM at mid-night. Lie-Za say all-yo please nah mek the Jumbie raise. So whether yuh have Red paint pon yuh door post or not, customers/consumers must be directed to go thru de right channel first.

Having said dat, ah want to commend both Vinlec and CWSA foh excellent service during these hard COVID-19 times and all other times. Is dry season, and yes, there are interrupt-shuns wid de water now and den, but we better off dan some ah we near-bars in de region. Secondly, ah want to thank de Lord foh so much Sun-light these days. Unfortunately, it all going to waste. Not at VINLEC and de Argyle Inter-nah-shun-all Airport way dey have Solar Farms. And ah commend “de Lambs to de Slaughter” at VINLEC, CEO Thornley Myers, Dr. Vaughn Lewis and others, foh going ahead and setting de pace wid Solar NRG.

My friends telling me if ah put ah few Solar Panels on top de house, my VINLEC Bill will not only be small, but if ah do it properly, ah would have surplus NRG and VINLEC would be willing to purchase.

All ah dis makes me wonder, what ever happened to de US$25 million dat was spent drilling foh G-O Terminal NRG at Rabacca? Dey’s too much silence surrounding dat project foh even Lie-Za not to be asking questions. She said she hear dat “Dey Came! Dey Drilled! Dey failed! Dey Drilled again! Dey Failed Again! And Dey Pack-up and left! But she holding off wid her Solar plans, because de PM done say in Par-Liar-Mint dat in 2021, We will be G-O- Terminal-Lies. Ah must add myth dat de Awe Posite-shun over-sleeping in dis G-O-Terminated project. Why are dey not calling on Ralph foh an ex-plan-nay-shun? As Lie-Za was saying dat US$25 million could ah put down ah Solar Farm in several ah dem Housing Projects. And if some ah dem poor people who getting disconnected by VINLEC get Solar Panels, dey will not have to arouse de sleeping Giant… opps, PM at Midnight.


Trevor Edwards was Promoted to Glory and ah was reliably informed dat he was immediately drafted in St Peter’s “New Jerusalem Male Choir” to sing Tenor along wid John Horne singing Bass! Interestingly, ah year ago, John was recommended to St. Peter by Maestro Pat Prescod. Trevor hails from ah musical family: Aunty Stacey played piano foh de Original Kingstown Chorale. So early in life, Trevor and his three siblings: Clifford, Arthur (dec’d) and Jerry who were blessed wid lovely voices, would have been trained to sing and groomed to hold prominent spots on stage wid Kingstown Chorale – remarkable gentlemen, raised de ole time way wid manners and behavior, respectful, decent, loyal and honest. Trust me, ah not exaggerating. Ah can’t recall seeing ah Choir perform wid four brothers who didn’t just sing. Dey sang from solos to quartets at concerts and won Gold Medals at Nah-shun-all Musical Festival. Trevor was ah “Class Act” by himself; apart from being an exceptional stage performer, he exhibited a range of other admirable qualities, on and off the field. New Kingstown Chorale’s loss is ah big gain foh St Peter’s “New Jerusalem Male Choir!” All now so ah could just hear dem voices
And wid dat is gone ah gone again

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.