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Stubbs Sunday school good

Stubbs Sunday school good
The Love Vine

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Long ago as ah small youth in Church ah had to sit stiff and straight next to my grandmother foh three hours non-stop, sometimes longer, depending on what de Major on de pulpit had to eat foh breakfast.

Yes in dem days church was fun! De choruses were lively and de ole folks uses to get up from dey seats and jig up and down de aisle like if is Carnival. Den somebody will say, “Ah can’t wait to go up dey to dance all over God’s Heaven!” And ah sweet voice will echo in de back singing de chorus: “When I get there, I will sing and shout!”

Since dey was no local Talk Show Radio back den, when de official service was over, de senior folks congregated under de gallery to be updated on some sweet Church Gossip or Commess. At times dey conversation might ah bin too intimate or personal foh us kids to hear, so dey uses to speak in ah creole dat was intended to confuse us, foh example : “Bassy and those kids listening to what we saying” in creole was: “ Ballapas-sillipy alla-pand doh-lo-pose ullapa killipids lillipiss-sillipin to-loo-poo walla-pat we-lipy say-lapay-illiping.” We soon had dat pigeon creole all deciphered and looked forward to eaves-drop on dey conversations.

Every once in ah while ah would go countryside see if ah find one ah dem “ Give me dat ole time religion” church. Well last Sunday morning ah found me-self in ah lickle church by de road-side in Stubbs. Ah Brethren invited me to join him up dey foh Service. Morning Sunday School was finishing up, but interestingly de kids were treated to snack, where was dis church when I was ah youth? So ah promised to go back next time early foh Sunday School to get me snacks!

De senior Brothers, Peter Pompey and Stanley Brown led de Service and ever faithful banking officer, Sister Jilly-Ann O’garro performed de role of Sound Engineer and Photographer. Dey not easy up dey! Ah sat one chair away from Speaker of de House Ro-shell Forde, not realizing dat she was present as Guest Speaker but dis time, in de House of God. Bro Tyrone “Tom” Dickson delivered ah strong message on de escalating Crime Situation in SVG. He was very good and was highly commended by de Hon Speaker of both Houses when she addressed de congregation.


After de Service we were asked to remain seated for ah few more minutes. Well ah figured maybe dey were going to serve snacks again. Later foh dat! Speaker and Guest Speaker, Forde was den invited to de Podium. As she graciously stepped forward, ah noticed de first thing she did was to tek ah look around, den causally up to Heaven actually dat roof again, to mek sure dat even though she in de House-of-God and not de House of Par-Liar-men, dat de same town-bat did not find its way in Stubbs, to drop anymore TOO-Too!.

But Sis Ro-shell, who is ah distance cousin, was in sparkling form. She captivated de congregation speaking briefly about what needs to be done about our Earthly Home before leaving foh our Spiritual Home in Heaven. Her message was well received, but like she was eyeing de snacks too, she reminisced on her days as ah good Sunday School girl, and even rendered in song her favourite Psalm 61: “Hear my cry oh Lord!” Excellent voice, somebody whispered in de back: “she could sing foh she supper.” Den dey announced: “ Snacks will be served again!” And wid dat is gone ah gone again

One Love Bassy

Bassy Alexander is a land surveyor, folklorist and social commentator.