07 October 2005
Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen birthday greetings to another gorgeous girl and the best person in our lives, Ladonna Ayana Bowens Lewis of Campden Park who is celebrat...
Wonderful Grandmother

Wonderful Grandmother

Birthday greeting to our wonderful, loving grandmother Elise Matthews Glenn of Longwall residing in the USA, celebrating her 101 birthday on Sunday Oc...
Carriere’s Beauty

Carriere’s Beauty

Guess who’s celebrating on October 7th 2005? It’s Carriere’s beauty Tiffany Thomas. Greetings are coming from your mom Merlene, siste...
Special Couple

Special Couple

Happy Anniversary greeting to a special couple Gerard and Celane Derby, residing in SVG and Canada, celebrating October 9th. It ís one year and gr...
30 September 2005
Hurricane Jillian

Hurricane Jillian

Warning! Warning! On Wednesday 5th October, SVG mainly Canouan will be experiencing the last and final storm for the year, Hurricane Jillian Alexander...
Gasley Cottle

Gasley Cottle

Birthday greetings going out to Mr. Gasley Cottle who will be celebrating his 21st birthday on Oct. 4th. These greetings coming from his girl friend ...
23 September 2005
A Shining Star

A Shining Star

Blessed birthday greetings to the light of our lives,Dejaune` Jackson of Rillan Hill. Greetings from mom, Shaloma, dad, Ron, Uriah, Granny, Lem, Vanc...
Super Star Cody

Super Star Cody

Super Star Cody Huggins aka (Cody Banks) of Paul’s Avenuecelebrates his 2nd birthday on Sept 26th with his mom Judy, dad, Ashley, sister, Jen, br...
A Handsome Prince

A Handsome Prince

Special birthday greeting to a handsome prince Nick Mofford of Dorsetshire Hill who will be celebrating on the 24/09/2005. Greeting coming from his m...
She’s like an Angel

She’s like an Angel

God saw that we needed an angel that’s why he sent us Natasha George of Campden Park who will be celebrating her birthday on 26th September. Gree...