10 May 2013
Assassination of political leader in Curacao

Assassination of political leader in Curacao

The assassination of Helmin Wiels, leader of the political party Pueblo Soberano in Curacao, came as a real shocker to me. It is not only that we sh...
03 May 2013
Another Labour Day – same old story!

Another Labour Day – same old story!

I searched last weekend’s newspapers seeking information about activities for May 1, the Labour Day holiday. I found nothing. Has the leadership ...
26 April 2013
The Reparations Issue

The Reparations Issue

The political climate in SVG is not one conducive for any sane discussion on the matter of reparations. I could well understand why some persons be...
19 April 2013
Jay-Z, Beyoncé and the insane American fixation with Cuba

Jay-Z, Beyoncé and the insane American fixation with Cuba

Well Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s visit to Cuba to celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary created quite a stir in the U.S. It was as though we were ...
12 April 2013
Reflections on matters in the news (PM’s proposed address on National Heroes and brief  reflections on Margaret Thatcher)

Reflections on matters in the news (PM’s proposed address on National Heroes and brief reflections on Margaret Thatcher)

I had been planning to do an article on matters pertaining to the selection of our next National Hero or Heroes. I understand, however, that Parnel ...
05 April 2013
Does the resurrection of Jesus Christ  have meaning for us?

Does the resurrection of Jesus Christ have meaning for us?

We have just celebrated what is the most important day in the Christian calendar, the day on which Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Following that...
28 March 2013
Sir James’ “St Vincent and the Grenadines  – the Ungovernable”

Sir James’ “St Vincent and the Grenadines – the Ungovernable”

Sir James Mitchell's manuscript is an attempt to destroy the myths behind his short walk on the Grand Anse Beach with Dr Ralph Gonsalves, adviser to t...
22 March 2013
I cry for my country

I cry for my country

Things in SVG seem to be becoming grimmer as the days go by. We have to admit that there are problems all over the world and that these are rough ti...
15 March 2013
President Hugo Chavez — what  will his legacy be?

President Hugo Chavez — what will his legacy be?

The death of President Hugo Chavez on March 5 at the age of 58 is bound to have a profound impact on Latin America and the Caribbean and perhaps put...
08 March 2013
The words of George McIntosh

The words of George McIntosh

I have been trying to present a case for George McIntosh to be made our next national hero. For my column this week, I have reproduced extracts from...