17 November 2006
Thinking aloud a day after US elections

Thinking aloud a day after US elections

Last week all eyes were on the US elections and if you were like me you would have been up late into the night soaking it all up. I must admit that p...
03 November 2006
Remembering October 21, 1935

Remembering October 21, 1935

In recent times October 21st & 22nd have passed with a resounding silence that defies the significance of those days as anniversary dates of the 1935 ...
26 October 2006
Thoughts on Independence

Thoughts on Independence

This is a copy of a letter written in October 1978 that reflects on the issue of “Independence”. It was sent to the Editor of the Vincentian...
20 October 2006
The tensions, challenges of independence

The tensions, challenges of independence

Every year we celebrate the anniversary of independence. We celebrate, it will seem, the mere fact that on the October 27, 1979 we achieved what is of...
13 October 2006
Treason or Treason-Felony – The case against George McIntosh

Treason or Treason-Felony – The case against George McIntosh

The news that Ordon Graham is to be charged for treason or for uttering seditious words arising from a comment made at a public meeting at Buccament h...
06 October 2006
Need to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the slave trade

Need to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the slave trade

The year 2007 in the Caribbean will be important not only for the staging of the Cricket World Cup but it will mark 200 years since the abolition of t...
29 September 2006
Throwing caution to the wind

Throwing caution to the wind

Like most Vincentians Tuesday was a very proud day and 6:35 pm a very proud time. That, of course, was the day and time when Earl 'Ole' George complet...
22 September 2006
Rethinking development

Rethinking development

On October 2, Dr. Michael Witter, Head of the Department of Economics at the Mona branch of the University of the West Indies will deliver a lecture a...
15 September 2006
Service is a bad word!

Service is a bad word!

On a radio programme some months ago the issue of the service industry as a key player in the growth and development of the Vincentian and Caribbean e...
08 September 2006
Political bacchanal and hangers-on

Political bacchanal and hangers-on

I was pleased to note that the Cave Hill campus of the University of the West Indies is now offering a Master of Science in Cricket Studies. It aims t...