06 August 2021
August 1st is not about celebration!

August 1st is not about celebration!

Releases last weekend indicated that we were celebrating the emancipation of the enslaved. But what is there to celebrate 183 years after?  Official...
30 July 2021
It was 183 years ago

It was 183 years ago

Sunday, August 1 would be 183 years since our enslaved foreparents were finally ‘freed’. The Emancipation Act, of 1 August 1834, had freed 2, 959 ...
23 July 2021
The Kenneth John I knew – In Appreciation (Part III)

The Kenneth John I knew – In Appreciation (Part III)

Kenneth John or KRV as friends called him (Kenneth Randolph Vincent) was laid to rest on Tuesday at the St Georges Cathedral. Bassy and I did the Eulo...
16 July 2021
The Kenneth John I knew – In appreciation  (Part 11)

The Kenneth John I knew – In appreciation  (Part 11)

I ended last week’s column with reference to cricket games that Kenneth organised in different parts of the island. Those games represented an era t...
09 July 2021
The Kenneth John I knew – In Appreciation

The Kenneth John I knew – In Appreciation

Early last Saturday morning I received news of the passing of Dr Kenneth John. Although I realised that he was quite ill the news certainly rocked me....
02 July 2021
The continuing saga of Cornelius John, the phantom and crew

The continuing saga of Cornelius John, the phantom and crew

I must admit not being a close follower of court matters, but I am a voracious reader of suspense novels, detective stories and court dramas from auth...
25 June 2021
The troubling story of Cornelius John

The troubling story of Cornelius John

The Cornelius John story continues to amaze me as it does other concerned Vincentians.  The relative silence of the police and the failure to arres...
18 June 2021
What does our silence mean?

What does our silence mean?

At times like these it is useful to reflect on, and remind ourselves of the message which came from Martin Niemoller’s 1946 poem “First they came ...
11 June 2021
Evil Stalks this Land!

Evil Stalks this Land!

The state of SVG is rotting from head to tail and it appears as if evil stalks the land that someone once called ‘home of the blessed’. There is c...
04 June 2021
Israel and Palestine- the never ending struggle!

Israel and Palestine- the never ending struggle!

Seventy two years ago when the state of Israel was established as a homeland for Jews, resulting in the expulsion of over 500,000 Palestinians who co...