27 February 2009
Rare show  of unity

Rare show of unity

27.FEB.09The rare show of unity demonstrated in Parliament on Tuesday by both sides of the House was indeed as refreshing as it wa...
20 February 2009
A great shame for the entire Caribbean

A great shame for the entire Caribbean

20.FEB.09The news circling around our sister island of Antigua over the past week must make all Caribbean people hang their heads in abject shame. As ...
13 February 2009
Responding to the crisis

Responding to the crisis

13.FEB.09A healthy public debate as to how countries like ours should respond to the global economic crisis is developing. This follows in the wake of...
06 February 2009
CLICO ripples  touch region

CLICO ripples touch region

06.FEB.09Reality is fast catching up with the Caribbean, as far as the global economic crisis is concerned. Those of us who may have been harbouring i...
30 January 2009
Getting it right

Getting it right

30.JAN.09The action of the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines in convening a Symposium to examine both its work programmes for 2009 and its ...
23 January 2009
A daunting challenge

A daunting challenge

23.JAN.09SEARCHLIGHT joins with the millions of people all over the world in celebrating the elevation of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United...
16 January 2009
The squeeze  is on

The squeeze is on

16.JAN.09Hardly have we embarked on the New Year when the signs of the rapidly spreading world economic crisis are manifesting themselves right here i...
09 January 2009
Thank you, Mr. Campbell

Thank you, Mr. Campbell

09.JAN.09Out of evil cometh good.The recent detention of journalist Jeff Trotman by the police because he was taking photographs o...
02 January 2009
New Year with a difference

New Year with a difference

02.JAN.09Billions of people the world over are engaged this week in the traditional exchange of greetings to welcome in the New Year. The wishes for ...
23 December 2008
The joys of new beginnings

The joys of new beginnings

23.DEC.08Barack Obama’s winning campaign with its theme “Change we can believe in” was tremendously successful and resonated in the hea...