23 December 2016
Someday at Christmas

Someday at Christmas

As we put together our final edition of SEARCHLIGHT before Christmas and pondered the gloomy headlines of the day, the lyrics of the Motown classic â...
20 December 2016
To be or not to be, that is the question for ‘Major’ Leacock

To be or not to be, that is the question for ‘Major’ Leacock

In perhaps the greatest Shakesparean tragedy, Hamlet, the hero of the play carrying his name uttered these words which have reverberated across the ce...
16 December 2016
The hope of  Christmas

The hope of Christmas

Christmas could not have come at a better time.The season has arrived only to find many of citizens displaced from their homes in the aftermath of wea...
13 December 2016
Nine Mornings: A peculiar privilege of Vincentian patrimony

Nine Mornings: A peculiar privilege of Vincentian patrimony

On December 15, 2016, the vast majority of Vincentians will go to bed. Some will go early; others late. And a few will not go to sleep at all. However...
09 December 2016
I am my brother’s keeper

I am my brother’s keeper

Over the past six years or so, St Vincent and the Grenadines has suffered terrible traumas. The cascade of natural disasters and accidents have destro...
06 December 2016
Vincentians’ patience with crime is long, but it is not infinite

Vincentians’ patience with crime is long, but it is not infinite

Last Friday, Searchlight’s front page featured our Prime Minister, Dr Ralph Gonsalves, and the Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr Frankie Josep...
02 December 2016
Hairoun, Home of the Blessed and lately, the Flooded

Hairoun, Home of the Blessed and lately, the Flooded

Once upon a time St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) did not experience natural disasters on such a regular basis. As hurricane after hurricane bypass...
29 November 2016
Farewell, Fidel: May you rest in peace

Farewell, Fidel: May you rest in peace

On Saturday, the world awoke to the news that Fidel Castro, the former President of Cuba, had passed away. And immediately a war broke out between his...
25 November 2016
Suffer little children

Suffer little children

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. There is perhaps no more sterling endorsement anyw...
22 November 2016
The end of the Eustace era: Where goeth the NDP?

The end of the Eustace era: Where goeth the NDP?

In October 2000, Sir James Mitchell, the NDP’s founder and a four-time Prime Minister of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), vacated political l...