21 June 2016
It is graduation time again

It is graduation time again

This is the time of the year when all across St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) parents and their children, teachers and educational officials, and a...
17 June 2016
The Orlando massacre –  Bigotry Squared

The Orlando massacre – Bigotry Squared

On Monday, June 13, 2016 in Orlando, Florida, hundreds of revelers attending a club that catered to Orlando’s gay and lesbian community met the i...
14 June 2016
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

The price of freedom is eternal vigilance

Some Vincentians may be familiar with the name Edward Snowden. Right now he is in Russia, effectively beyond the reach of American law. Not too many p...
10 June 2016
Time to bring out  the iron fist

Time to bring out the iron fist

Today St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) is experiencing a surge in fatal shootings that has the potential to destabilize the society. Of course, the...
07 June 2016
Muhammad Ali –  The Greatest

Muhammad Ali – The Greatest

In his greatest poem entitled, "For the Fallen”, Robert Laurence Binyon writes: "They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old Age shal...
03 June 2016
Criminal deportees and the crime situation

Criminal deportees and the crime situation

Crimes of a particularly violent nature are increasingly causing serious problems for law enforcement throughout the Caribbean and Latin America and i...
31 May 2016
An average hurricane season has been predicted – be prepared

An average hurricane season has been predicted – be prepared

The 2016 hurricane season does not officially begin until tomorrow, June 1, but already, over the past few days, we have been experiencing heavy, inte...
27 May 2016
The Venezuela situation – our response

The Venezuela situation – our response

Throughout the Caribbean, Latin America and the Americas as a whole, there is great and growing concern about the situation in Venezuela. There, polit...
24 May 2016
Bans imposed by Ministry impractical

Bans imposed by Ministry impractical

In what appears to be a knee jerk reaction, the Ministry of Education yesterday banned all school outings to picnic sites close to rivers and beaches;...
20 May 2016
How do we tackle this apparent rise in crime?

How do we tackle this apparent rise in crime?

There are far too many guns on the streets of St Vincent and the Grenadines in the hands of lawless, misguided individuals who have no respect for hum...