03 July 2015
Region hoping for positive action from Caricom Summit on Dominican Republic situation

Region hoping for positive action from Caricom Summit on Dominican Republic situation

CARICOM leaders are currently meeting for their annual Summit, this year being hosted by the government of Barbados. The mid-year Summit was originall...
30 June 2015
That long overdue conversation about homosexuality

That long overdue conversation about homosexuality

The decision by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOUS) that same-sex couples in that country now have the right to marry in any state of that ...
26 June 2015
A happy and safe  Carnival to all

A happy and safe Carnival to all

This weekend marks the beginning of our biggest cultural festival Vincy Mas. We are now approaching the end of the fourth decade since the changeover ...
23 June 2015
All the best to our graduates

All the best to our graduates

We are well into graduation season, a time when our students at all levels are rewarded for years of dedication and hard work. Congratulations to them...
19 June 2015
The Venezuela/Guyana  territorial dispute

The Venezuela/Guyana territorial dispute

The vast majority of the countries of the western hemisphere continue to face significant challenges to maintain and further their economic developmen...
16 June 2015
Who are these killers of our women?

Who are these killers of our women?

Last week, an act of extraordinary evil occurred in St Vincent and the Grenadines. A young woman, bathed in the innocence of the peacemakers, accepted...
12 June 2015
We need to hear our men’s voices!

We need to hear our men’s voices!

The shock and horror over the latest incidence of domestic violence, in which a Chateaubelair woman was killed, are still reverberating through the so...
09 June 2015
Let us be better stewards of our planet

Let us be better stewards of our planet

Last Friday, June 5, was World Environment Day, a day dedicated around the world to stimulate worldwide awareness of environmental issues and encourag...
05 June 2015
Our safety and security at risk

Our safety and security at risk

We comment here today on two, apparently unrelated issues, save that the connection between them involves safety and security at both a personal as we...
02 June 2015
That honorary citizenship promise to the Garifuna

That honorary citizenship promise to the Garifuna

The New Democratic Party (NDP) has stated its intention to make all 700,000 Garifuna in the diaspora, honorary citizens of St Vincent and the Grenadin...