02 February 2007
Terrorists steal more than

Terrorists steal more than

2.FEB.07 TERROR SUSPECT Adnan Shukrijumah attended flight schools in Florida and Norman, Oklahoma, along with Moha...
US paper tells of Al Qaida in Trinidad

US paper tells of Al Qaida in Trinidad

2.FEB.07 A BUSINESS daily newspaper in the United States has stated that Al Qaida is setting up one of its cells i...
The Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy

The Committee on the Prerogative of Mercy

The Law and You - The Mercy Committeeby Parnel R. Campbell, QC. 2.FEB.071. Section 65 of the Constitution of St. Vincent and the Grenadines empowers t...
26 January 2007
ASK CMMB COLUMNWhat are the risks involved in investing

ASK CMMB COLUMNWhat are the risks involved in investing

26.JAN.07As investors we are always asked to focus on the benefits/return of investing but aren’t there risks involved in investing as well?You a...
Business Rendezous for January 2007Business ethics

Business Rendezous for January 2007Business ethics

26.JAN.07Ethics addresses questions of right and wrong. It involves learning what is right or wrong, and then doing the right thing while having cons...
19 January 2007
Constitutional Review Commission recommendationsMore human rights issues raised by the public – final part

Constitutional Review Commission recommendationsMore human rights issues raised by the public – final part

19.JAN.0710. Rights of Police and Prison Officers"There is a call for a specific Chapter in the Constitution governing the responsibilities and rights...
12 January 2007
ASK CMMBWhat is an Initial public offering?

ASK CMMBWhat is an Initial public offering?

12.JAN.07Question? I have heard about companies coming to the market with something referred to as Initial Public Offerings. What is this and can I in...
Safety, health in excavation

Safety, health in excavation

12.JAN.07The way in which the land is prepared for construction will be one of the areas that the Physical Planning Division will pay attention to whe...
Constitutional Review Commission recommendations

Constitutional Review Commission recommendations

Human rights issues raised by the public12.JAN.07Part 11During the Constitutional Review Consultation, members of the public raised 17 other issues on...
05 January 2007
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

05.Jan.07PART 9Human rights was one of the two areas which occupied the majority of time of the Constitutional Review Commission which has made numero...