27 June 2008
Two years for weed

Two years for weed

Police seized over 14 pounds of cannabis on June 18, 2008, and as a result one man is now behind bars serving a two-year sentence.{{more}}Chief Magist...
Couple on $45k bail for gun, ammo and drugs charges

Couple on $45k bail for gun, ammo and drugs charges

Terrence Matthews and his common law wife Clotilda Hooper are now both on $45,000 bail after appearing at the Serious Offences Court last Thursday on ...
Chief Magistrate blasts Williams

Chief Magistrate blasts Williams

Chief Magistrate Sonya Young made it clear that she had enough of Lawyer Arthur Williams at the Serious Offences Court on Monday, and stated: “En...
Lucians await fate

Lucians await fate

Today Friday wilL see two St Lucian nationals being sentenced on eight counts of forgery at the Serious Offences Court.George Joseph, 36, and Nicky Is...
2 remanded for $1.2 million worth of weed

2 remanded for $1.2 million worth of weed

Following a major drug bust of over 2002 pounds of marijuana by local police last week, two men are now on remand at her Majesty’s Prison awaitin...
20 June 2008
$10k bail for gun possession charge

$10k bail for gun possession charge

A Petit Bordel man is now out on $10,000 bail after pleading not guilty to a gun possession charge at the Serious Offences Court on Wednesday.{{more}}...
Judge orders retrial in Police murder case

Judge orders retrial in Police murder case

The prosecution will have another shot at proving Police Constable 324 Erickson Harris guilty at the next sitting of the Criminal Assizes, as a 12 mem...
Rapist gets 22 years

Rapist gets 22 years

Her Majesty’s Prison will be home for Clifton Rodney for the next seven years.Rodney, who pleaded guilty to two counts of rape, one count of woun...
13 June 2008
School girl charged with wounding

School girl charged with wounding

A fifteen year-old girl from Murray’s Village has been released on $20,000 bail on a malicious wounding charge.{{more}} The teen appeared at the ...
Teen charged with ammo possession

Teen charged with ammo possession

Friday 13 has traditionally been associated with bad luck, but today, Dudley Rodney will be hoping that the tables will turn in his favour.{{more}}Rod...