01 November 2019
Opposition’s ‘One China Policy’  announcement is ridiculous   – Former party Chairman

Opposition’s ‘One China Policy’ announcement is ridiculous – Former party Chairman

by Chanolde Munroe in Taiwan The announcement by the New Democratic Party (NDP), while in Opposition, that they intend to adopt the One China Pol...
25 October 2019
Baker charged in fatal stabbing of Rockies’ man

Baker charged in fatal stabbing of Rockies’ man

A 33-year-old has been charged with last Saturday’s murder of Rockies resident Zimroy ‘Junior’ Brackin, and, arising from the same incident, the...
Trespassing accused says he was just sweet talking school girl

Trespassing accused says he was just sweet talking school girl

A man who has been charged with trespassing onto a female secondary school student’s property allegedly to intimidate her, has claimed that he was d...
Court upholds FIU’s seizure of cash found in shop

Court upholds FIU’s seizure of cash found in shop

Sums of EC$12,960.28, US$239, and CDN $50 found at a Colonarie bar were forfeited to the state last Friday, the court finding them to be derived from ...
Juror fined for no-show at Court

Juror fined for no-show at Court

Although three jurors were absent without excuse at the beginning of the High Court session on Monday, only one ended up with a fine. A trial was s...
Young yacht burglars found guilty of  chopping tourists

Young yacht burglars found guilty of chopping tourists

by Katherine Renton A nine-member jury has delivered a guilty veridct for the two men accused of breaking into the yacht ‘Rainbow’ in 2013 and ...
Accused claims police beat confession out of him

Accused claims police beat confession out of him

Facing a damning statement he made in 2013 admitting to being one of the assailants that boarded a yacht with intent to “eat a food”, an accused c...
18 October 2019
Man claims he was taking stolen sheep to town

Man claims he was taking stolen sheep to town

A farmer’s entire ewe goat population was stuffed into one man’s trunk and stolen last weekend, a crime for which the perpetrator has ended up wi...
Double amputee freed after nearly one and a half years  in prison

Double amputee freed after nearly one and a half years in prison

A double amputee who was sentenced to four years in prison last year for stabbing his wife in her chest, was sentenced to time served by the Court of ...
Police officer charged with possession of marijuana

Police officer charged with possession of marijuana

A 24 year old police officer on marijuana possession and drug trafficking charges hid his face as he emerged from the Serious Offences Court this Tues...