03 August 2018
Man’s ‘tiefing mistake’ lands him back in prison

Man’s ‘tiefing mistake’ lands him back in prison

Nearly 50 years into his life, a 48-year-old fell back into thievery after abstaining for over a decade, and now he will spend nine months atoning for...
Grenadian men given marching orders

Grenadian men given marching orders

After a long conversation with the law, Grenadian defendant Ronel Redhead jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire, with the result being his de...
27 July 2018
Four men in Russell’s  Cineplex robbery get heavy jail sentences

Four men in Russell’s Cineplex robbery get heavy jail sentences

The four in a joint enterprise to rob the Russell’s Cineplex felt the sting of their operation on July 12, 2018, with the highest jail sentence han...
24 July 2018
‘Yam Head’ escapes another stay at MHC

‘Yam Head’ escapes another stay at MHC

A defendant, known as ‘Yam Head’, objected to going to the Mental Health Centre (MHC) again, due to, according to him, a lack of quality provision...
Charges dropped against woman who damaged door at AIA

Charges dropped against woman who damaged door at AIA

A Vincentian/Canadian woman who was earlier last week charged with damaging the property of the Argyle International Airport(AIA), was freed of all ch...
Man with ‘half-baked’ bread  story gets suspended sentence

Man with ‘half-baked’ bread story gets suspended sentence

After going into a supermarket at mid-afternoon to buy bread, a 23-year-old had no excuse in court, not even a half-baked one, for stealing a bottle o...
20 July 2018
Man sentenced to 20 years for shooting a witness

Man sentenced to 20 years for shooting a witness

A man’s lack of remorse before the court inspired no sympathy in return, the judge increasing the sentence from the norm. Matthew Quashie was sen...
Court fines man for cocaine found in girlfriend’s crotch

Court fines man for cocaine found in girlfriend’s crotch

A lawyer arguing his client’s poor choice of friends and a 10-year hiatus in crime, was able to knock jailtime out of the equation for cocaine posse...
17 July 2018
Woman charged with damaging door at AIA

Woman charged with damaging door at AIA

Damaging a door at the Argyle International Airport(AIA) certainly put a dent in one Vincentian/Canadian’s plans to leave, as she was hauled before ...
Hungry man sentenced to 12 months in jail

Hungry man sentenced to 12 months in jail

A man who told Senior Magistrate Rickie Burnett that it was because he was “seriously” hungry that he grabbed a woman’s bag and ran was told tha...