15 May 2018
Burglary accused claims to have been partying with friends

Burglary accused claims to have been partying with friends

While the prosecution’s case seeks to place a burglary accused under the lights of a Belair house on December 24 last year, he contends he was under...
10 May 2018
Attempted murder Preliminary Inquiry to begin month end

Attempted murder Preliminary Inquiry to begin month end

The preliminary inquiry into an attempted murder charge laid against a common-law couple will start at the end of this month. Gailene Farrell, 53, ...
08 May 2018
Banana thief sent to jail for three months

Banana thief sent to jail for three months

From mangoes to bananas, and possibly five fingers, one man’s fruit thievery has been halted by the court. Alwin Westfield of Rose Place, was cha...
Foul mouth lands man in trouble with magistrate

Foul mouth lands man in trouble with magistrate

A verbose young defendant tried his best to use words to get a light penalty for the indecent use of other words towards a prosecutor when he came bef...
Union Island man says weed in Court not his

Union Island man says weed in Court not his

“Thank you very much for charging me with less,” said a self-proclaimed honest man who claimed to be charged with different weed, and less weed th...
01 May 2018
Man blames excitement for theft at supermarket

Man blames excitement for theft at supermarket

  IN AN UNUSUAL turn of events, the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court saw a man being brought before it last Friday, for behaviour caused by his st...
Mother claims that police executed her son

Mother claims that police executed her son

  THE RELATIVES OF a man who was killed by police at Gibson Corner on Tuesday April 17 say they do not believe the story that was given to them ...
27 April 2018
‘King Kong’ to spend six months behind bars

‘King Kong’ to spend six months behind bars

NEARLY THREE MONTHS after he was shot trespassing on the grounds of the Beachcombers Hotel, ‘King Kong’ limped in to court this Wednesday, alongsi...
Campden Park man sent for mental health evaluation

Campden Park man sent for mental health evaluation

  A DEEPER EXAMINATION into the mind of a 48-yearold accused, on Tuesday, revealed something sinister lying in the shadows, prompting the Magist...
Man inflicts chop wounds on childhood friend

Man inflicts chop wounds on childhood friend

  ONE MANWAS ORDERED to pay for his animalistic behaviour, in delivering three chops to his longtime friend over a disagreement about his dog, a...