06 March 2018
Teen to do  four months  community service

Teen to do four months community service

A third form student of a rural secondary school has been reprimanded by the court and ordered to perform community services.The Colonarie MagistrateÃ...
Court grants bail to alleged scamming duo

Court grants bail to alleged scamming duo

The two men alleged to have scammed funds from the Government’s ‘Poor Relief’ programme have been granted bail in the sum of $30,000 af...
02 March 2018
Woman arrested, charged with abuse of minor

Woman arrested, charged with abuse of minor

A farmer of Lowmans Leeward was expected to appear at the Family Court yesterday, after being arrested and charged with abusing a child.Thotelyn Wilso...
Farmer changes plea to not guilty

Farmer changes plea to not guilty

A farmer who last week pleaded guilty to stealing two ewe goats has changed his plea to not guilty.When 68-year-old Carl Young re-appeared before the ...
Butcher charged with dishonestly receiving stolen goods

Butcher charged with dishonestly receiving stolen goods

Terry Gibson, 58, a butcher of Dauphine, has pleaded not guilty to a charge of dishonestly receiving stolen goods.The well-known businessman was arres...
27 February 2018
Breaking and entering duo to learn fate today

Breaking and entering duo to learn fate today

One mother cried in court last week as her son faces the possibility of jail at 16 years old, saying, “It hurts my heart to know that my son woul...
23 February 2018
More charges laid against  alleged Poor Relief scammers

More charges laid against alleged Poor Relief scammers

Alleged poor relief scammers have been laden with more charges, the number now approaching 40.On February 12, Learie Johnson and Derville Thomas were ...
Duo awaits trial for gun, conspirarcy charges

Duo awaits trial for gun, conspirarcy charges

Two 23-year-olds will await their trial for gun and conspiracy charges in prison.Bennisha ‘Ben’ Baptiste, a young woman of Ottley Hall, and ...
16 February 2018
Sharpes women get physical over man

Sharpes women get physical over man

A love triangle, having become too heated, landed the two female participants in court. The male participant was also in court, but to provide support...
Campden Park man ordered to pay journalist $500

Campden Park man ordered to pay journalist $500

A Campden Park man, charged with striking a journalist in the face with a plastic bag, has been ordered to pay him compensation of $500.Danroy Small w...