16 July 2021
Is John being used as the scapegoat?

Is John being used as the scapegoat?

EDITOR: Maybe my intelligen[ce] is not too good or maybe I am just plain dunce. As I see it, the question rings in my head is, “Mr. Cornelius John ...
13 July 2021
Letter to Physical Planning re: development plans to  remove reef at Indian Bay

Letter to Physical Planning re: development plans to remove reef at Indian Bay

Ms. Dornet Hull Secretary Physical Planning and Development Board Kingstown St. Vincent Re. Development Plans to Remove Reef at Indian Bay Dear ...
09 July 2021
The anti-vaccine idiocies of a Vincentian nurse

The anti-vaccine idiocies of a Vincentian nurse

Deadly Delusions
by DR. GARREY MICHAEL DENNIE FOUR MILLION dead and rising across the globe.  ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHT SIX MILLION infected and risin...
Help! help! our children are struggling to read!

Help! help! our children are struggling to read!

EDITOR: I wish to bring national attention and outcry to the serious plight of illiteracy in our schools. During this week of National Diagnostic Read...
We will rise again

We will rise again

EDITOR: We will rise again from the ashes and the challenges that face us as a nation. It is said that when it rains it pours. We have been dealing an...
Introduce Digital literacy progammes in SVG schools

Introduce Digital literacy progammes in SVG schools

EDITOR: St. Vincent and the Grenadines, along with the rest of the world was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our schools were forced to make the ra...
There are weird bedfellows in politics

There are weird bedfellows in politics

EDITOR: Politics creates weird bedfellows. Case in point, feral Frank DaSilva and intellectual snob Jomo Thomas are now political allies. Who woul...
02 July 2021
The time to act is now

The time to act is now

After many weeks of speculation, discussion, and protestations, we have seen charges being brought against three individuals in the Cornelius John sag...
Time for a shake up in the Public Service

Time for a shake up in the Public Service

Editor: Public servants play a major role in the development of any country. They can also retard and undermine the progress of any country. To me the...
Let’s check up on ourselves!

Let’s check up on ourselves!

Editor: James 4:8 urges us to draw near to God, who in turn, will draw near to us. God wants us to do so before the “end of the world” comes when ...