27 April 2021
2021 SVG Volcano Eruption: Impact, Response, Resilience, Recovery & Reconstruction

2021 SVG Volcano Eruption: Impact, Response, Resilience, Recovery & Reconstruction

THE ON going explosive eruption phase of the St. Vincent La Soufriere volcano is expected to impact all aspects of life and livelihoods in St. Vincent...
23 April 2021
Eruption, similar to 1902?  

Eruption, similar to 1902?  

By Renwick Rose In this the second and final part of a look at the eruptions of 1812 (done last week) and 1902, I try to bring the hig...
CXC: Money over the lives of students

CXC: Money over the lives of students

I am currently of the opinion that CXC prefers to satisfy its major stakeholders if it means possibly sacrificing the futures of this year’s student...
16 April 2021
Excerpts from eruption of 1812

Excerpts from eruption of 1812

By RENWICK ROSE GIVEN the unfortunate series of events which have overtaken us in relation to the violent eruption of the Soufriere volcano, I hav...
A Letter from the West to the East

A Letter from the West to the East

GREETINGS FROM St Vincent and the Grenadines. The events of April 9, 2021 have propelled me to pull out my much treasured history book “The Crad...
Turn and believe

Turn and believe

I WAS THE one that gave the message of the volcano. I was called all kinds of names. One of these names was ‘devilish seer’. Now they want ans...
09 April 2021
40th Anniversary of 1981 Bills –Part 6:

40th Anniversary of 1981 Bills –Part 6:

THE GOVERNMENT BRACES FOR A FIGHT WE HAVE Looked at some of the conditions which provided the background to the social and industrial crisis of 19...
COVID-19 psychosis – spinning my head

COVID-19 psychosis – spinning my head

EDITOR: My head spins every time I read something new about our country’s reaction to COVID-19. Call it COVID-19 psychosis, which is also causing...
The dishonest disinformation dozen

The dishonest disinformation dozen

EDITOR: What are the origins of the Anti-vax movement and those false claims you have been receiving? Part of the origins lie in the different ways do...
01 April 2021
40th Anniversary Of 1981 Bills-Part 5

40th Anniversary Of 1981 Bills-Part 5

St Vincent and the Grenadines entered the month of April 1981 in a state of deteriorating social and economic conditions with the industrial situation...