19 February 2021
Vaccines, Viruses, and the war for  Immunological Supremacy

Vaccines, Viruses, and the war for Immunological Supremacy

Vaccinate Now, Vaccinate Everyone
by Dr Garrey Michael Dennie In the late 60’s and early 70’s the polio virus swept through St Vincent and the G...
Take the Covid vaccine and ignore the  conspiracy theories

Take the Covid vaccine and ignore the conspiracy theories

Editor: I would like to add my voice to yours and the medical experts who are encouraging Vincentians to make sure they get vaccinated against Covid w...
Those minivans and the COVID protocols

Those minivans and the COVID protocols

Editor: By the time this is published I do believe that the withdrawal of service by the minivans would be off. Hopefully, it would be a satisfact...
16 February 2021
We Shall Rise

We Shall Rise

by Jerol Huggings Jackson We are a nation of hope let us not fear God is our captain our nation he’d steer Troubled waters we may encounter Bu...
Open Letter to the People and Judiciary of SVG – Luzette King should be banned

Open Letter to the People and Judiciary of SVG – Luzette King should be banned

Editor, I have some concerns regarding members of the Vincentian diaspora scattered across the globe. The majority of people in this group have mai...
Black Americans Are Entitled To Reparations BASED On RACISM, Not Slavery!

Black Americans Are Entitled To Reparations BASED On RACISM, Not Slavery!

EDITOR: Is there anyone alive today who did not descend from an ancestor that was enslaved? I highly doubt it. Slavery was a way of life in all parts ...
12 February 2021
Beloved, believe not every spirit…

Beloved, believe not every spirit…

EDITOR: Of late there is a rise of prophets and apostles. Almost on a daily basis we would hear of a prophecy supposedly coming from the Lord. With th...
05 February 2021
Don’t be a contributor to the rise in Covid numbers

Don’t be a contributor to the rise in Covid numbers

EDITOR: The attendance at funerals in this Covid-19 pandemic, continues to be one of concern. Amongst the physical distancing Protocols to be observe...
Please donate and help me stay alive!

Please donate and help me stay alive!

EDITOR: I am hypertensive and have a constant abnormal heart beat. The doctor says I have a murmur. I am also diabetic with serious neuropathy in bot...
29 January 2021
Act now before it’s too late!!

Act now before it’s too late!!

EDITOR: From the time the nation was informed that La Soufriere was erupting effusively again, several actions and plans would have been activated, bu...