03 November 2020
NDP – rhetoric – full of bluster and flatulence!

NDP – rhetoric – full of bluster and flatulence!

EDITOR: Let me encourage you to continue your balanced form of reporting. I read with dismay, the viciousness of the NDP supporters in response to an...
COVID-19 and Essential/Frontline Workers – where do we go from here?

COVID-19 and Essential/Frontline Workers – where do we go from here?

by ALICIA A. DELLS THE PAST FEW MONTHS, marred by a global death toll surpassing one million due to the COVID-19 pandemic, have brought into sharp...
Strange new fruit

Strange new fruit

EDITOR: ”Strange Fruit” is a protest song (lyrics by Abel Meeropol) about the post emancipation era lynchings in the USA. It was immortalized on ...
Yuggie’s mother clears air on allegations made about her

Yuggie’s mother clears air on allegations made about her

Dear fellow citizens, I am making this public statement to correct and respond to the several public statements that are incorrect allegations reg...
Ralph has earned the right to retire in victory

Ralph has earned the right to retire in victory

by VAUGHAN TONEY I WAS LISTENING RECENTLY to the Prime Minister’s presentation of his Unity Labor Party’s Election Manifesto when, at the end ...
30 October 2020
Elections watch – part 2

Elections watch – part 2

by MISC Part One of Elections Watch appearing in the SEARCHLIGHT e-paper of October 27, 2020 examined the constituencies of North Windward, North C...
Support Taiwan’s inclusion in the post-COVID-19 global public health network

Support Taiwan’s inclusion in the post-COVID-19 global public health network

by Dr. Chen Shih-chung Minister of Health and Welfare Republic of China (Taiwan) Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there have more than 40 milli...
Patel is dead wrong on backyard cannabis

Patel is dead wrong on backyard cannabis

by Dr Jerrol Thompson Many people may not know the Marijuana plant come in two sexes. (A) Female plant and (B) Male Plant. Female plants produce fl...
We can’t wait that long!

We can’t wait that long!

EDITOR: The Cannabis Revival Committee (CRC) is an organization of Traditional Cultivators of Marijuana in St Vincent amd the Grenadines, with a membe...
Relationship with Taiwan is about principle, not money

Relationship with Taiwan is about principle, not money

EDITOR: It is indeed a sad tale and almost an embarrassment when learned persons fall prey to hapless self-subterfuge based on intellectual gymnastics...