19 June 2020
The many directions of racism

The many directions of racism

Editor: In all the discussion of what is happening among the races, not just in the United States but around the world, I have yet to hear anyone addr...
16 June 2020
Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

By R. T. Luke V. Browne I associate myself with the protests going on in the United States of America and across the world under the title “Black...
From SVG to NYC, Black people must be free

From SVG to NYC, Black people must be free

by Madiba Dennie George Floyd survived COVID-19, but lost his life to the pandemic of racism. Floyd was an unarmed Black man who allegedly purchase...
On George Floyd and Others

On George Floyd and Others

by Septimus Barrock I was playing my guitar and singing a song while looking at the aftermath of the brutal murder of George Floyd and reflecting o...
12 June 2020
4.4 Million reasons…and counting

4.4 Million reasons…and counting

by Dr Garrey M. Dennie Today a revolution is unfolding in the USA and it is unlike anything we have ever seen. For after 400 years of systemic and ...
Let’s condemn all racial prejudice and racial slurs

Let’s condemn all racial prejudice and racial slurs

EDITOR: Racial prejudice – we have come a long way. Those of us who are old enough would agree with me that racial prejudice is not as prevalent as ...
I’ve been experiencing the pain of the ‘bewitched knees’

I’ve been experiencing the pain of the ‘bewitched knees’

EDITOR: I strongly support the position of Keith Joseph, who in the most recent edition of his commentary (Just Another Look) on Nice Radio, came ...
Will sickness always exist?

Will sickness always exist?

EDITOR: Covid-19 continues to wreak havoc throughout the world. So many persons, in excess of 400,000, have already lost their lives globally, leaving...
Why #Black Lives Matter in SVG

Why #Black Lives Matter in SVG

EDITOR: Let’s begin here: Many black Vincentians resent being referred to as black. Many of us do not want our black children to be termed black. Wh...
09 June 2020
White Vincentian Apologises To All Vincentians of Colour

White Vincentian Apologises To All Vincentians of Colour

EDITOR: My entire life has been devoted to writing, yet I am unable to put into words the outrage that has struck at the very core of my being followi...