The most wonderful time of the year
Tue Dec 17, 2013
The description of Christmas as being the “most wonderful time of the year” may be said by some to be a cliche, but it really can become that way for us, if we embrace the true meaning of the season and look out for one another.{{more}}
For many persons, Christmas is a time of excessive consumerism and consumption, to the detriment of the individual in the months and years to follow. However, in our quiet moments of reflection, the aspects of the season that are most treasured are those moments spent in the company of loved ones, or when we are able to brighten another person’s life with an act of kindness.
In this edition we carry a story of the donations made by the Coastguard and the Lions Club South to 40 needy families in Canouan. There are also stories about the Youlou Pan Movement’s Christmas steel pan festival, the police Christmas Carolling Competition, the launch of the Nine Mornings festivities and activities in the communities of Sion Hill and Carierre, as they prepare to light up for Nine Mornings.
There are many persons among us who are lonely and in need, and undoubtedly, donations by the coastguard, Lions, other groups and individuals, will help in alleviating some of the needs of these less fortunate citizens.
Another aspect of generosity which we sometimes do not recognize, however, is the generosity of spirit of the men, women, boys and girls who sacrifice their time and talents to delight us at Christmas time with concerts and beautiful displays in our communities. Coming out in the evening to listen to pan music, beautifully rendered, attending a Christmas programme at church or beholding a village square beautifully decorated with lights, does wonders for a broken spirit.
May we, this Christmas season, focus less on getting and more on giving, even if all we have to give is our attention or a listening ear to someone close to us. It is only when we give, without expecting anything in return, that we will truely experience the joy associated with this most wonderful time of the year.