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SVG Girl Guide Association – 100 and still strong!

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Fri, Nov 14, 2014

The Girl Guide Association of St Vincent and the Grenadines demonstrated their power and strength in grand style last Tuesday, as their members, numbered in the hundreds, paraded through the streets of Kingstown, to bring the curtains down on celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of guiding in St Vincent and the Grenadines.{{more}}

Guiding in St Vincent and the Grenadines started officially in 1914 in Georgetown, through the efforts of Arthur Cox, a Methodist minister. The local movement’s 100th birthday was on April 17, 2014 and the celebrations, which have been taking place since April 2013, were held under the theme “Ever Alive, Celebrate and Thrive”.

One of the most pleasing developments in the movement here over the last 10 years or so, has been, what seems like an exponential growth, in the numbers of girls and young women who have been joining the ranks of the Girl Guides. Such success today, in attracting and retaining our girls and young women to a uniformed group, which exposes traditional values, must be recognized and applauded. The growth being experienced locally, speaks to the creativity and skill of the leaders in being able to tweak the programmes of the movement, so that they are attractive and exciting to our girls, while remaining true to the values of the organization which include spiritual uprightness, honesty, strength of character and a commitment to helping others.

The Girl Guide movement adds a dimension to the lives of our girls that the home and school alone would be hard pressed to deliver. The values-based training in life skills, leadership and citizenship would be hard to duplicate in the more formal setting of the school system. Additionally, the opportunities afforded the girls to see the world, experience cultures other than their own and learn valuable survival, creative and productivity skills at international camps, is priceless.

Appreciation must be expressed to those adult volunteer leaders who over the decades, through their commitment, ensured continuity and growth in the movement. It was pleasing to note that at the event last Tuesday, some of the women who were at the forefront of the movement 50 years ago, were proudly marching along with the Bim Bims, Brownies, Girl Guides, Ranger Guides and Leaders of today.

Congrats to the SVG Girl Guide Association, may you continue to grow from strength to strength!