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Let us not forget to love

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Tue, Dec 23, 2014

Sometimes in the busyness of the Christmas Season, in the rush to clean and decorate the house, cook the food, bake the cakes, ham and bread and find the perfect presents for our loved ones, we unwittingly rob ourselves of the true gift of the season.{{more}}

The chaotic atmosphere sometimes created by this flurry of activities can leave us with an empty feeling and people many times lament that they got so caught up with Christmas activities that when the day actually arrived, they were too tired to enjoy it. We sometimes also get carried away by the commercialization of the Season and make ill-advised purchasing decisions, which burden us for years to come.

Why do we do this year after year?

If we stop in the midst of it all, and focus on what Christmas should mean to Christians (after all, we consider ourselves a Christian nation), we may find that a greater sense of peace decends on us and the material aspects of the celebration lessen in importance.

Christ is that gift which God sent.

He sent his beloved son to deliver us from the many troubles of this world and bring us peace and joy.

It is our hope that the joy of Christmas will be felt by every individual in some way this season. Many around us are sad, bitter, hungry or lonely. Think about how much an unexpected gesture of kindness would mean to them. Let us reach out and share the genuine love of Christ with each other. Let us blot out any hostility, jealousy, resentment and all the other negatives that tend to sour our personal relations and could put a damper on the celebration. Let us not forget to love.

It was God’s love for mankind that led to Him taking human form in the person of His son Jesus, to rescue us from sin and shame. John 3:16 reminds us that God sent his only Son to earth, in the form of a man, to live and die so that we might have everlasting life. When we accept Christ and his love, we are meant to share it with others. Let us remember to truly love one another this season, and in the years to come.

SEARCHLIGHT takes this opportunity to thank our readers, advertisers and vendors for their loyal support during 2014. We wish everyone a happy and peaceful Christmas and a new year which is filled with blessings!