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Celebrating the Chorale and Pat Prescod

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One of the national treasures of St Vincent and the Grenadines is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

For many Vincentians, the New Kingstown Chorale is one of the most valued components of our cultural heritage, and represents the standard in chorale singing to which all other groups must aspire.{{more}}

The milestone that the group celebrates this year is no mean feat, especially in a society where few organizations without a guaranteed income stream survive more than five years.

The longevity of the chorale can most likely be attributed to the genuine love of music of its members, many of whom have been with the group for most of its 60 years; the commitment of the group’s leaders; and the high esteem in which its musical directors, past and present, have been held.

Established in 1956, the Chorale has had two musical directors during its 60 years of existence – the current musical director, Jeanne Horne, who has charted the group’s musical path for the last 27 years, and her mentor, the group’s founder, Patrick Prescod.

It is impossible to pay tribute to the Chorale without eulogizing its founder, Patrick Prescod. Mr Prescod, who is regarded as one of the finest musicians to be produced by this country, died in 2013. Throughout his life, he composed and arranged numerous folk and cultural songs and hymns, many of which are part of the Chorale’s repertoire.

Yesterday, at a press conference, the Chorale highlighted their plans for the rest of the year, including the compilation of arrangements that Mr Prescod had done for the group. This project is an excellent one and is important to ensure that the legacy of Mr Prescod and the Chorale is preserved.

SEARCHLIGHT congratulates the New Kingstown Chorale on this milestone and wishes them all the very best with their celebrations and in the future.