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Don’t allow negativity to take root in dance

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The very popular and eagerly anticipated finals of the annual KCCU National Dance Festival took place Saturday night and commendations are in order for the organizers, managers, choreographers, dancers and their parents for some excellent performances and an overall enjoyable show.

We continue to be pleased with the numbers of enthusiastic and talented dancers coming through the ranks, including the young choreographers who are being developed in the process.{{more}} Gone are the days where the same two or three persons did the choreography for all the groups taking part in the competition. Today, it is pleasing to note that even within groups, several youthful leaders have emerged and are producing work of a generally good standard.

There are one or two generations of Vincentians who grew up without having the opportunity to learn traditional dances, such as the Quadrille and Maypole, so it is very encouraging that these dances, as well as the Garifuna Punta have been resurrected and are being introduced to our children, who perform them so well!

Despite all the positives taking place in the dance community, some dance fans and leaders have noted and commented on a certain mean spiritedness that is trying to get a foothold within some quarters of the dance community.

Competition is good and success should be celebrated, but the achievements of one individual or group should not be rubbed in the faces of the other competitors, and certainly, any such behaviour should not be led by parents or dance leaders.

The dance art form stands to be the loser if any negativity between groups is allowed to take root. So, wherever there are pockets of animosity, let’s weed them out and work instead on seeing how the weaker groups can be assisted and motivated.

SEARCHLIGHT congratulates all the winners in the Dance Festival and encourages them to never be complacent and to reach for the stars.