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Welcome to SVG, enjoy your stay!

Welcome to SVG, enjoy your stay!

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We are now well into the 12 days of non-stop Carnival activity leading up to the climax of Vincy Mas 2018.

This is also graduation season in St Vincent and the Grenadines, a time of transitioning and hope for our young people. We congratulate them and wish them all the very best as they move on to the next phase of their lives.

Vincy Mas and the graduation season together work like magnets to draw Vincentians in the Diaspora back home to be with family members, and visitors to our shores to experience the festivities.

With non-stop international flights now available into the Argyle International Airport from New York and Toronto, it is easier to get here and from all appearances many people have taken advantage of the convenience.

We welcome all visitors and returning nationals and wish everyone an enjoyable stay. While here, take time to travel out of Kingstown to the various heritage and recreation sites, and to the beautiful Grenadines. Enjoy our hospitality and creativity, taking time to speak to the people you meet along the way.

We urge you at all times, however, to exercise the same precautions and restraint you would in the place you normally reside.

Happy Vincy Mas to those who will participate in the festivities and to everyone else, enjoy the visit to our country.