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Business rendezvous for March 2007

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Taking care of equipment


Many businesseS purchase expensive equipment to help them in their operations. Despite the fact that equipment is used to make work easier, increase productivity and profitability, there are some owners who take very little care of these items.

Taking care of your equipment is one way of ensuring that it works for you for a very long time and that you don’t have to suffer the inconvenience of its loss for prolonged periods of time. However, you should note that even if you have the best maintenance system ever, there is no guarantee that equipment would not malfunction from time to time. This is another reason for you to make sure that you take proper care of your equipment at all times.{{more}}

1. Keep a file of all manuals etc. that come with your equipment. Make sure they are in English.

2. Check your equipment regularly before and after they are used.

3. Clean equipment thoroughly on a regular basis. If you have business vehicles these should be included in your cleaning schedule.

4. Do regular maintenance of all equipment including vehicles.

5. Check for repairs before the items become non-functional.

6. Keep spare parts on hand.

7. Get a good and experienced technician/mechanic to maintain equipment.

8. Insure larger items.

9. Locate equipment in an area where they will not be damaged by people or the elements.

10. Get surge protectors for electrical items.

11. Make sure electrical equipment is used with correct voltage. Place a written notice to remind yourself and anyone else using the equipment.

12. Secure cords so that persons cannot trip over them and damage themselves or your equipment in the process.

13. Train all workers how to handle equipment.

14. Have a place where small equipment can be stored securely.

Submitted by the Centre for Enterprise Development Inc. (CED) a non-profit company that provides business development services to the local private sector.

We are located on the 1st Floor, Methodist Building, Granby Street. Kingstown. Telephone 784-451-2235/6. Email or