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Woman caught with cocaine inside her body

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Forty-five-year-old Catherine Richardson of Murray’s Village has been jailed for eight months. She was hauled before the Serious Offences Court for cocaine possession Monday, days after her arrest at the Narcotics Base near the E. T. Joshua Airport.{{more}}
Police said that at about 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 26, Narcotics Officers went to the E. T. Joshua Airport where they met Richardson awaiting a flight to Canada. She was taken to the Narcotics Base where she was searched.
A package with cocaine was found in her genital area. Richardson was then taken to the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital where she was x-rayed. The
x-ray showed a number of packages in her stomach. She was given a medical substance to facilitate the emptying of the contents of her stomach. She passed out 100 packages of cocaine.
The cocaine amounted to 436 grammes.
When she appeared before the court she pleaded guilty.