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Woman jailed for wounding

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Venice Welcome of Ottley Hall was sentenced to three months in prison after she pleaded guilty to a wounding charge earlier this week.
Welcome, a cart operator, was arrested and charged for wounding Rose Hall resident Godwin Samuel on August 3.{{more}}
When the case was heard before the No.1 Kingstown Magistrate Court Monday, police said that at about 10.00 p.m., Samuel was at the Fisheries wharf in Kingstown awaiting fishing boats to return from sea. When a boat came in, he assisted the fishermen and he was given a fish.
The court also heard that Welcome was at the wharf and Samuel asked her for a fish, but she refused him. She then held on to his bag and cut him on his hand with a knife.
Welcome told the court Samuel was stealing fish and when she tried to prevent him he attempted to throw away her food. As a result, she cut him on the hand.
Before imposing sentence on Welcome, Senior Magistrate Carl Joseph asked her if she had money to pay a fine. But, she replied that she was not paying any money on her own rights.
Having refused the opportunity to pay a fine, Welcome was sentenced to three months.