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Villa man fined for ganja

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Thirty-four-year-old Andy Carberry of Villa was on Tuesday fined $30,000 when he pleaded guilty to possessing 35 pounds of marijuana with intent to supply.

Carberry, who resides in the United States, was ordered to pay $20,000 forthwith and the balance of $10,000 by December 30. {{more}}But, before he was allowed extended time to pay part of the fine, the court requested that someone testify that he returns to this country from time to time.

Sergeant Richard Browne, who is attached to the Traffic Department, appeared in court and testified that Carberry returns here at least three times per year, including the carnival and Christmas seasons.

Carberry was warned that if he travels abroad after paying $20,000 but fails to pay the balance, he would find that the next time he comes here he would be arrested on arrival.

Carberry was arrested and charged following a joint raid by members of the Narcotics Division and the Rapid Response Unit on July 27, this year.

Carberry was represented in court by Richard Williams.