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Schoolboy charged for having gun at club

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A SCHOOLboy attending one of the Secondary Schools in Kingstown was granted bail in the sum of $5,000 with one surety.

The youth was charged for having in his possession on October 15, at Club Iguana, one .38 revolver without a license and six rounds of .38 ammunition.{{more}}

He pleaded not guilty when he appeared before Senior Magistrate, Carl Joseph last Monday at the Magistrates’ Court in Kingstown.

Lawyer for the defendant, Ronald Marks pleaded with Magistrate Joseph that the young man was a student and that he should be given bail.

Sergeant Delores Charles also asked that he be granted bail owing to the fact that he is a schoolchild and that she would like him to continue his secondary education. She also said that she hoped he realized the seriousness of the matter and said she felt that he should be given a second chance.

He is scheduled to re-appear in Court on November 8.