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Burglar to pay out $750 in 18 months

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Rory Murphy, a mechanic of Kingstown, will have to plug out $760 in three months or in default, he will spend 18 months behind bars after pleading guilty to three charges of burglary that were committed between November 27-28, 2007.{{more}}

When he appeared before Senior Magistrate Donald Browne at the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court on Monday December 3, he was given a one year suspended sentence after pleading guilty to entering the dwelling house of Delwin Nelson of Richmond Hill on Wednesday November 28, and stealing 4 orange curtains valued at $350, 4 Van Heusen pair of pants valued at $476, 1 pair of Champion sneakers valued at $250 and 10 neck ties valued at $350.

He was also ordered to pay $500 in one month or spend nine months in prison and pay compensation of $260 in 2 months or spend nine months in prison after he pleaded guilty to entering the same house on November 27 and stealing 1 pair of Nike shoes valued at $164, 10 DVDs valued at $100, 1 RCR DVD player valued at $300, one Citizen gold Wrist Watch valued at $350, 1 gold bangle valued at $300 and 1 green Water Hose valued at $100.

Murphy was further charged with having in his possession 10 DVD movies, 4 pliers, 2 screw drivers, 2 claw hammers, 1 standard power tape measure, 1 Do It Right tape measure, 1 trowel, 1 stainless steel pair of spanners and a grip wrench which are believed to be stolen goods or unlawfully obtained. For this charge however, he was reprimanded and discharged.

On February 25, Murphy will have to re-appear before the Kingstown Magistrate’s Court to answer the charge of stealing $6.50 belonging to Monroe Hadaway of Fairhall.

All of the items were recovered except for the gold wristwatch and the gold bangle. (SB)