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$10,000 or jail

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The time is swiftly approaching for Rexford Alex Coy to come up with $10,000 or he could face 24 months in prison.{{more}}

Coy, 22, of Union Island, was arrested and charged with having 20 pounds (9235 grams) of cannabis in his possession on March 11 at Clifton, Union Island.

Coy appeared at the Serious Offences Court last Thursday on two separate charges of drug possession. He pleaded guilty to having 2425 grams of cannabis in his possession and he was jointly charged with Liston Simmons of Lowmans Leeward for having 6810 grams. Coy also pleaded guilty to this charge and the matter was discontinued against Simmons.

For the 6810 grams of cannabis, Chief Magistrate Sonya Young fined Coy $7000, with $1000 to be paid forthwith and the remainder in three months or 15 months in jail. He was also fined $300 forthwith for the 2425 grams or nine months behind bars.

Reports state that about 7:15pm on March 11, motor vessel “Gem Star” arrived at the main wharf in Clifton where persons were loading and offloading the boat. Rapid Response Unit personnel who were on duty at the wharf saw Coy go on board and come off with a brown cardboard box. Someone was also assisting him by carrying a nylon sack. The police officers noticed the defendant acting suspiciously while carrying the box and approached him and requested a search.

The box contained ground provision and two taped packages containing marijuana, while the sack contained three taped packages containing marijuana.

In a statement Coy gave to the police, he said that it was someone from St Vincent who sent the drugs for him.

Mitigating on Coy’s behalf, Attorney Vynette Frederick said that Coy came from a stable home background, but his behaviour in recent times has been a constant concern for his parents. Frederick said that his conduct was an aberration, which comes about from deviant behaviour. The young attorney said that the incident has brought shame to his family. Frederick said that it was her hope that coming to court will serve as shock treatment for Coy.

Magistrate Young said she was considering sending the youngster to prison because it was a considerable amount of drugs. “I have looked at your age and I know in fact that you were going to sell the drugs, but I am going to fine you on each charge”, said Young.