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Teen charged with ammo possession

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Friday 13 has traditionally been associated with bad luck, but today, Dudley Rodney will be hoping that the tables will turn in his favour.{{more}}

Rodney, 19, of Greiggs, pleaded not guilty to having two rounds .32 ammunition in his possession on February 8, 2008, at Owia.

At his trial on Tuesday at the Serious Offences Court, the Court heard that around 8am on the day in question, a party of RRU officers were on patrol in the Owia area when the defendant was seen standing among some men next to the public road.

A search was conducted among the men and while searching Rodney, two rounds of ammunition were found in a bag that he was carrying. When cautioned by the officers, Rodney replied: “Is ah man gimme.”

In Court, however, Rodney denied any knowledge of the ammunition. He also stated that he was at a loss to figure out how the ammunition got into his bag. “All I know is dat I been by a house sleeping and me ain’t know how dem reach in me bag.” In a contradicting bit of evidence, the Greiggs resident stated to the Court that he had his bag with him all the time but still did not know how the ammunition was placed in it.

The teen said that he had a witness called “Chucky” who could state that the ammunition did not belong to him.

The matter is expected to come to a close today. (KW)