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Bail for 166 lbs of weed

Bail for 166 lbs of weed

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One Pauls Avenue man is out on $55,000 bail, while his co-accused is on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison until October 24.

Twenty-five year-old Orman Hannaway and Trinidadian Florentan Elcock, 40, both pleaded not guilty to having 166 pounds of cannabis in their possession June 30 at Richmond.{{more}} Chief Magistrate Sonya Young granted Hannaway’s bail with one surety as his counterpart was remanded to prison on Tuesday at Serious Offences Court.

Prosecutor Station Sergeant Nigel Butcher had objected to Elcock’s bail on the grounds that he is of a different nationality and is considered a serious flight risk.

Butcher did not object to Hannaway’s bail, but asked that he be granted cash bail and that he report to the police at least three times a week and surrender his travel documents.

Defense Counsel for both accused, Vynette Frederick said that Elcock was here for the carnival season and that he came here legally. With regard to Hannaway, Frederick said that a cash bail would be tantamount to keeping him on remand and asked that a surety be added.

Magistrate Young did not grant the cash bail and ordered that Hannaway report to the Central Police Station on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 7 and 12pm.