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Magistrate Young upset with adjournment of drug matters

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The repeated requests for adjournments by the prosecution in drug related matters is annoying Chief Magistrate Sonya Young. {{more}}

On Wednesday, Young aired her dissatisfaction after the prosecution asked for an adjournment in a drug matter that had been first brought to court in July last year. “I am fed up and unhappy with the length of time these drugs are taking to be analyzed,” Young stated.

It came to the point where Young said that she would not be holding any of the prolonged matters and that she would dismiss some of them. “The only reason I am not going to dismiss these matters is because the state has already paid to get the analysis done,” stated Young.

Young added that it is not only hard on her to be constantly adjourning the matters, it is also unfair to the defendants to be traveling from long distances to court only to hear their matters have been adjourned again.