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Matthews pleads guilty to stealing from employers

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When you bite the hand that feeds you, you often suffer the consequences. David Matthews unfortunately had to learn the hard way.{{more}}

Matthews, a resident of Lowmans Leeward pleaded guilty to stealing three short khaki pants and four blouses valued at $118, the property of Grand Bazar, on August 21, 2008.

Chief Magistrate Sonya Young fined Matthews $300 forthwith or one month in prison.

It was heard that the owner of the business had noticed that items had been going missing from the storeroom. Acting on information received, the owner had Matthews under observation.

The court also heard that Matthews, an employee, was seen collecting $100 from another person. Matthews then took the items from the storeroom and passed them to someone in the store next to Grand Bazaar. The police were quickly called in and the Matthews was arrested and charged.

The husky man explained to Magistrate Young that he was only trying to help out a friend. “Is the first time I doing it and the guy just come to me and I tried to see if I could help him out,” Matthews stated.

A heavy tongue-lashing came from Magistrate Young who admonished Matthews for his actions. “Normally I would bond someone for such an offence, but you have stolen from the people who help to provide your daily bread”. Young told the defendant that he had brought shame to his two children. “How you think your kids are going to feel knowing that their father is stealing?” Young asked.

A restitution order was made on the items.(KW)