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Woodroffe wants help for attacker

Woodroffe wants help for attacker

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After being clubbed over the head with an electric tire pump by a 19-year-old man, Vice President of the Chamber Of Industry Commerce Andrew Woodroffe still found it in his heart to forgive Nigel Byron and requested that he be given some help.{{more}}

On Tuesday at the Serious Offences Court, Byron, a resident of Lowmans Leeward, pleaded guilty to wounding Woodroffe on August 16, 2008, at Dorsetshire Hill. He also pleaded guilty to one count of burglary and theft.

Addressing the court, Woodroffe said that he wanted someone to get some help for the defendant, as he did not look well. He went on to say that rehabilitation should be carried out here to assist young people with their problems. Woodroffe recommended that a boot camp programme be start here equipped with drill sergeants to steer the young men on the right path. “Society must be able to help our young men before we lose them,” stated Woodroffe.

Chief Magistrate Sonya Young wholly endorsed Woodroffe’s comments and ordered that a social inquiry report be conducted on Byron before sentencing on September 30.

About 7:30am on August 16th, just a few hours after he attacked Woodroffe, police nabbed Byron at Indian Bay Beach in a car. It was reported that Byron had broken into the car while the occupants were bathing in the sea. He was taken to the Calliaqua Court on Monday 25 August and sentenced to three months for attempted theft.

Byron was released from prison on August 12 after serving a sentence for non-payment of fines.

Woodroffe, 59, owner of Pasta Enterprises at Dorestshire Hill, was hit over the head after he tried to assist Byron who had crashed the stolen car he had been driving over an embankment.

The car had been stolen earlier that morning or the night before in Questelles.(KW)