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DPP withdraws two charges against “EG” Lynch

DPP withdraws two charges against “EG” Lynch

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Two of the three charges leveled against popular Talk show Elwardo “EG” Lynch, were withdrawn by Director of Public Prosecutions(DPP) Colin Williams on Wednesday at the Serious Offences Court.{{more}}

The DDP wrote and presented a letter to the Chief Magistrate Sonya Young indicating his intentions.

Lynch was hauled before the courts to answer two charges of criminal libel and one of causing fear and alarm and disrupting public peace. The two charges of criminal libel were withdrawn and Lynch only has the “Causing fear and alarm and disrupting the public peace” charge to answer.

However, Lynch’s defence attorney Kay Bacchus-Browne is fuming mad. Bacchus-Browne related to SEARCHLIGHT that the prosecution had been ready to proceed the last time the matter came before the courts. She said she had made a submission requesting the matters be made indictable and that they be decided before a judge and jury. She said that the DPP argued that the matters were all summary and that they could be heard before the magistrate.

Bacchus-Browne said that at anytime, Williams could call back the two matters before the court. She said that once the Magistrate had made certain decisions about the case, she would be appealing to determine whether the matter was a summary matter and could not go before the High Court or whether they had the right to ask for the matter to be heard in the High Court.

The matter was adjourned.