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Pregnant woman on drugs charge

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Twenty-seven-year-old pregnant Chateaubelair resident Kenlyn Scotland has one month to come up with $350. Failure to do so would result in her spending three months in jail.{{more}}

Chief Magistrate Sonya Young handed down the sentence after Scotland pleaded guilty to possession of 218 grams of cannabis on Tuesday at the Serious Offences Court.

She was jointly charged with Reuben Cunningham, 40, labourer also of the same address. He pleaded not guilty and the charge against him was dismissed.

The court heard that the defendant went to the Grenadines Wharf on January 5, 2009, with a traveling bag, when she was approached by a port police officer who was acting on certain information about her.

The police officer requested a search of Scotland’s bag but she refused and pulled her bag away. The officer managed to get the bag from Scotland and searched it in her presence. A black plastic bag containing a taped package with materials resembling that of cannabis was found. At first Scotland said that she was given the bag to take to someone. She, however, afterwards admitted to the offence.

Scotland’s Lawyer Grant Connell told the court that his client was used as a drug mule and by pleading guilty at the first opportunity, she did not waste the court’s time.