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Robber tells man ‘call me’

Robber tells man ‘call me’

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After breaking and entering the home of an elderly man and learning that he had no money, Zecho Miller gave the victim his cellular phone number to contact him when he got money.{{more}}

Pleading guilty to one count of aggravated burglary at the High Court on Monday, Miller, 25, of Green Hill, was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for his unlawful act, which took place on September 28, 2007, at Barrouallie.

The court heard that Claude Theobalds, 70, a retired engineer, woke up around 3am and went to the bathroom. On returning to his bedroom, Theobalds noticed a man dressed in black, standing with a knife in his hand. Theobalds, apparently startled, stood motionless for a while. The man, who turned out to be Miller, demanded $1,000 but Theobalds told the burglar that he did not have any money and that he was going to the bank later. Miller then gave Theobalds his cellular phone number and told him (Theobalds) to call when he got the money from the bank. And as if nothing out of the ordinary had transpired, Miller then asked Theobalds to open the front door to let him out.

Miller explained to Justice Gertel Thom that he was under the influence of drugs when he committed the offence. “I choose a life of fast money and I know now that is not right,” said Miller.

Miller is, however, already serving time for possession of an unlicenced firearm. In 2007, he was sentenced to five years behind bars after he was found guilty at the Kingstown Magistrates’ Court of possession of one .32 pistol on September 29, 2007, the day after he committed the burglary.

“I find you quite bold. You gave the man your number as if he owed you,” said Jusitce Thom before she passed her sentence.

Justice Thom highlighted the fact that robbery with guns is becoming prevalent in this country and that society needs to be protected from persons who carry out such offences. “Even though you have pleaded guilty, you need to be rehabilitated under controlled conditions. I have to send you around for a while so when you come out, you will be rehabilitated,” Thom continued.