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Armed robbers make off with cash from Lotto Booth

Armed robbers make off with cash from Lotto Booth

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At around 8 p.m. last Saturday, August 5, two masked gunmen made off with a sum of cash belonging to LB’s Lotto Booth.

According to reports, a female was inside the booth checking the day’s take when two gunmen forced their way into the small wooden shop, pointed guns at her and took the cash.

The Lotto Booth is located on Bay Street, opposite Coreas Mini Mart. It has been in that position for about eight years and has never been robbed before.

Last December, an Asian businessman attached to New Century Trading on Melville Street was shot when two masked men approached him sometime after 7 p.m. outside the business place. He survived the attack.

New Century Trading is located a few feet away from LB’s Lotto Booth.