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Love triangle members advised to resolve their conflicts

Love triangle members advised to resolve their conflicts

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A 37-year-old man, a 45-year-old woman and a 74-year-old man, who appear to be in a love triangle, have been advised to resolve their conflicts before one of them has to answer a more serious charge.

Magistrate Rickie Burnett gave this advice to Joseph John, Monica Yorke and Robert Clarke on August 17, when John and Yorke appeared before him, jointly charged with assaulting Clarke, causing him actual bodily harm on January 1, 2017. John was also charged with assault and causing bodily harm to Clarke on February 10, 2017.

All three are residents of London, Sandy Bay and live in the same yard.

In the first incident, Yorke, in her testimony, admitted to hitting 74-year-old Clarke with a lock on his foot, after he tried to prevent her from closing her shop by jumping on her counter. Clarke sustained injuries to his foot.

Yorke told the court that Clarke, who returned to St Vincent some time ago after retiring from the United Kingdom, is in the habit of accusing her of being with other men who visit the yard.

According to Yorke, Clarke was the one who brought John to her residence to work in December, 2016, after which he (Clarke) accused her of being with John.

In the January 1 incident, Clarke claimed he was also attacked by John with a shovel. In his defence, John told the court that Clarke charged at him with a yellow level, so he defended himself by punching Clarke, after which they began to wrestle.

In relation to the February 10 incident, Yorke claimed Clarke began to pelt blocks at the door of the place where John was residing in the yard. According to Yorke, John did not return home until late, when he inquired about the debris in front of his door. He was told Clarke was responsible and so he proceeded to the back of the property, where the kitchen is located.

John told the court Clarke was the one who charged at him with a knife, so he made a sham and picked up a piece of block and an iron to cause Clarke to retreat. According to John, Clarke sustained his injuries when he jumped from a bedroom window to leave the house. Clarke told the court this was not so and he sustained his injury, which was very painful, when John hit him on the foot with the iron.

In handing down his sentence, magistrate Burnett told all three that based on the facts, it was impossible for the parties not to get into conflict.

He also told Clarke his attitude is also a part of the problem, as evidenced by how he displayed himself throughout the court proceedings. The magistrate advised that if the matter is not resolved soon, one of the parties involved is likely to be faced with a more serious charge.

Yorke was found guilty in the January 1 matter, while John was found guilty of the February 10 matter. They were both reprimanded and discharged.

Yorke and Clarke also have a matter pending before the Family Court after their relationship came to an end.(CJ)