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Man jailed for stealing 12 flats of eggs

Man jailed for stealing 12 flats of eggs

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Chief Magistrate Rechanne Browne-Matthias did not tread on eggshells while reprimanding egg thief Camilo Wilson yesterday.

“Lift your standards man; people have to be able to trust you,” Browne-Matthias told the push cart operator.

Wilson appeared at the Serious Offences Court on Monday, September 4, charged that sometime between Wednesday, September 21 and Thursday, September 22, 2016 in Kingstown, he stole 12 flats of eggs, valued at EC$260, the property of Jerome Clarke of Campden Park.

The court heard that around 10 p.m. in Kingstown, Clarke secured his eggs in a wooden cart belonging to Wilson and went home, something he would normally do.

When Clarke returned to get the eggs at around 8 the following morning, the cart and the eggs were nowhere to be found and the matter was reported to the police.

When arrested, Wilson admitted to stealing the eggs and was charged.

When he appeared in court, Wilson pleaded guilty to the offence and asked that he not receive a custodial sentence and that he be given time to repay Clarke.

In denying his request for a non-custodial sentence, Browne-Matthias told Wilson that he had almost a year to repay Clarke and didn’t, to which Wilson replied that he was in prison for a different offence.

Wilson then told the court that he was working and could pay for the eggs.

“You weren’t in prison for all that long; you could have paid back already and if I were to allow you to pay back for the eggs, you would have to have the money right now,” Browne-Matthias told Wilson, before sentencing him to one month in prison.

He also has until October 4 to repay Clarke or face further jail time.(LC)